List of Best AI Content Detector

Ankit Dhamsaniya
Read Time: 4 Minutes
List of Best AI Content Detector

Did your content detector show 100% human content as soon as your professor checked it under Turnitin, it showed AI text? This is because the content detector you are using is not professionally built and it is made by mediocre programmers with little knowledge of how AI works. 

Today we are here with the best content detector AI that will help you detect the content’s origin within seconds for free. The name of this AI detector is and it is the best AI content detector in 2024.
In this blog, we will be investigating why this AI checker is the best one to have in 2024. We will look at its working, features, applications, and pricing to see why it is the best AI checker. 

So, let’s get into it without any delay!

What is

Content Detector offers an outstanding tool that is used to detect AI content in the given text. It is developed using advanced AI algorithms and performs various textual analysis of the text to identify its origin. It gives us the AI detection results in just a couple of seconds saving a lot of time and energy. It performs deep textual analysis, burstiness check and perplexity analysis before calculating the AI score, the results its offers are 100% correct and authentic making it the best content detector AI online. 

How to Use the AI Content Detector?

This content detector can also be termed as Chat GPT detector because students often use this particular tool to generate text. This AI checker can effectively identify text written by chat GPT or any other language model using just 3 simple steps:

1. Upload Text: Open the content detector AI on your web browser and enter the text in the given dialogue box. You can just copy and paste it in the given box. 

2. Start the Tool: Then hit the “Detect GPTZero” button to initiate the processing of the tool. 

3. Get the Results: The results will be provided in a statistical form offering a probability percentage of AI written and human written content in the text. 

What are the Features of Content Detector AI?

The content detector AI offers many features that place it at the highest tier, let’s discuss these features below:

1. AI Algorithms

This Chat GPT detector is powered by advanced AI algorithms that can automatically analyze the text to identify its origin. The AI algorithms not only make the work easier but also faster and more authentic. The same task would take a linguistic hour which can be done within seconds by this AI checker. 

2. Deep Analysis

This AI content detector performs deep textual analyses of the text and calculate the scores afterward to identify the origin. These analyses involve the following:

  • Textual Analysis - it targets the words and overall tone of the text. 

  • Burstiness Check - it targets the sentence structure and length. 

  • Perplexity Analysis - it measures how predictable a text is. 

After all these analyses the content’s origin is identified which is authentic as it goes through various analytical procedures. 

3. Probability Score

It provides the results in the form of a probability score in the percentage format. The text undergoes different analyses at various levels, the sum of all the analyses is offered to the user in the form of AI probability and human probability percentages. 

4. Large Text Processing

This AI checker can analyze large pieces of text up to thousands of words without any problem. 

5. Processing Time

This AI detector works at lightning speed and provides results of AI detection in just a couple of seconds. It takes just a couple of seconds no matter how large/small your text is. 

6. Availability

It is an online tool that is available on the web and can be accessed from all parts of the world at any time of the day/night. 

7. Free of Cost

It is available free of cost to help students and other individuals to easily identify AI content. 

These are some prominent features of the AI checker that prove that it is a professionally designed tool for AI content checking. 

What are the Applications of this Chat GPT Detector?

  • Students - Students can use an AI checker to see if their assignments are saved to be submitted to the professor or not.
  • Teachers - Teachers can use the AI detector to detect AI content in their students' assignments and projects. 
  • Editors - Editors can use it to check the origin of the text they are editing before publication or submission. 
  • Content Writers - Content writers can use this tool to make sure their content is free from AI and 100% original. 
  • Publishers - Publishers of research papers and blog posts can use this tool to identify AI content in the submitted drafts. 

What is the Pricing of this AI Detector?

This AI detector is completely free of cost. Simply visit the website, enter your text, start the tool, and get the percentages of AI and human written instances within seconds. It is designed to help students, content writers, professors, journalists, etc. to ensure the text is 100% original. 

Final Say

After looking closely at content detector AI, it is not wrong to call it the best content detector in 2024. It offers a vast range of features that make it the leading tool for content detection. It performs various analyses on the text to ensure the results provided are 100% authentic. It can detect AI content in large texts in a single go saving users time and energy. It offers free online services worldwide that make it easily accessible and beneficial for a wider audience. With this tool you don’t need to worry about faulty AI content detection. 

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