How to Use Multi-Accounting Browsers To Boost Social Media Campaigns in 2024

Neha Sindhal
Read Time: 6 Minutes
How to Use Multi-Accounting Browsers To Boost Social Media Campaigns in 2024

Social media is one of the primary traffic sources for digital marketing. An average marketing specialist uses at least 3 social media platforms simultaneously. However, to attract larger traffic volumes, you need more than 3 or 5 accounts. You may think creating additional accounts is not a problem, but that’s, unfortunately, not the case. 

Popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X (ex-Twitter) have algorithms and software that detect multi-accounting. For example, in the fourth quarter of 2023, Facebook banned 691 million fake accounts. Every time you attempt to create a new profile using the same device for another ad campaign, you increase the risk of getting banned by this platform. Let’s see how a multi-accounting browser can help you bypass such restrictions and avoid bans. 

What is a Multi-Accounting Browser? 

Social media and ad platforms collect over 50 device and browser parameters to identify and prevent users from multi-accounting. Usually, they analyze data about the device, browser, and connection. This set of parameters is called a digital fingerprint. It includes device type, screen resolution, cookies, installed browser extensions, IP address, and more.

By using a multi-accounting browser, you can effectively mask your browser’s digital fingerprint. Instead of providing accurate information about your device, websites receive spoofed fingerprints with altered parameters. This not only allows for flexible customization of the parameters for each platform you plan to use but also enables you to create and manage multiple accounts without the fear of being blocked.

Benefits of Using a Multi-Accounting Browser For Digital Marketing 

Create a Large Number of Accounts Using a Single Device

A multi-accounting (anti-detect) browser allows you to manage multiple accounts using a single browser without the risk of being banned for multi-accounting. Modern algorithms analyze not only user behavior on the website but also information about where and from which device the user accessed the website. As we've already said, they collect a wide range of information, from operating systems to cookies. If a platform detects that a single user has created multiple accounts using the same device, it bans all involved accounts. 

Multi-accounting browsers like Octo allow you to use as many profiles with real browser fingerprints as you need. Their number is limited only by your subscription plan. Each profile represents an independent account for a particular platform. You can create "quick profiles" in a few seconds without additional setup. Moreover, you can switch between accounts in just a few clicks.

⁤Why You Need Multiple Accounts for Digital Marketing: ⁤ ⁤

  • Boost reach and engagement and mitigate risks: ⁤⁤The more platforms you use, the more engagement and conversion you get. ⁤⁤Moreover, if you rely solely on one channel, like Facebook Ads, you risk disrupting your campaign due to sudden policy changes or account suspensions. ⁤⁤The safe bet is to spread your marketing efforts across numerous channels, like Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, and any other channels of your choice. ⁤⁤This way, you mitigate risks and ensure the stability of your campaigns. ⁤
  • ⁤Testing and optimization: ⁤⁤Multi-accounting allows you to run several campaigns simultaneously and experiment with your content and messaging. ⁤⁤Before starting your primary campaigns, you can run multiple small ones to find out what creative materials or messages work best for a specific geo, niche or demographic. 
  • ⁤Campaign scaling: ⁤⁤As you scale your operations and expand into new markets or niches, you may need additional accounts to manage the growing volume of campaigns and content. ⁤⁤Multi-accounting ensures effective campaign management software and tracking, bypassing platform or geo restrictions. 

Account Farming & Automation 

Account farming is one of the critical tasks in digital marketing. It helps with launching and testing large-scale advertising campaigns. "Thanks to" the latest detection algorithms, creating and preparing new accounts for ad campaigns became impossible without a multi-accounting browser. 

Octo Browser helps to overcome platforms’ limitations and fully mimic the behavior of real users. The Cookie Robot collects the necessary cookies for you, and the platform trusts your accounts more. To make your accounts more trustworthy, you also need to perform typical actions of real users like adding friends, liking, reposting, commenting, etc., for which a multi-accounting browser is indispensable. 

Tech-savvy users can automate all routine processes, including profile creation, editing, and deletion, through Octo API. This feature significantly reduces the time spent on these tasks, allowing you to focus more on launching and managing your campaigns.

Team management 

⁤Digital marketing professionals often team up to manage shared accounts. ⁤⁤However, switching between them is time-consuming and even risky. ⁤⁤Websites can easily spot IP address and device changes, flagging corresponding accounts as suspicious and potentially violating platform rules. ⁤⁤The good news is that you can avoid these issues by configuring fingerprints correctly and using high-quality proxies. ⁤Octo Browser's tagging system and flexible team roles make account management a breeze, particularly in larger teams. ⁤⁤

⁤Let's say you're responsible for setting up and preparing accounts. ⁤⁤Naturally, you want to avoid premature campaign launches that could get you banned from the platform. ⁤⁤So, you start by tagging the profiles you're working on as 'Farming,' ensuring only you or those with this tag can see or edit them. ⁤⁤Once you're done, you pass them over to the billing team, tagging them as 'Billing.' ⁤⁤This way, everyone can focus on their tasks without any distractions. ⁤

How to Choose a Multi-Accounting Browser? 

Today, there's a wide variety of multi-accounting anti-detect browsers on the market. However, you can narrow the list down by looking at their functionality, fingerprint spoofing quality, user experience, and support. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a multi-accounting browser for digital marketing: 

Fingerprint Spoofing Quality

Fingerprint spoofing quality is one of the first things you must check when choosing a multi-accounting browser. The best way to do it is to use a free trial or demo version. Try to create several Google, Facebook, or any other accounts. If the system does not treat you as a bot and doesn't ban you within a few days, the browser has passed the test. However, you may be pressed for time or would like a more detailed product exploration. In that case, you can run fingerprint checks on Pixelscan, Whoer, BrowserLeaks, and other similar checking services. If the checks fail, you risk getting banned for multi-accounting. Octo Browser uses only real device fingerprints, helping you to blend in with the common user crowd and decrease the risk of being detected by websites' algorithms. The browser provides a wide range of fingerprint parameters for spoofing, from fonts and languages to operating systems and device hardware.


When you create hundreds of accounts, you need to ensure all your data is safe. Your profiles may contain sensitive data like billing information, cryptocurrency wallets, etc. Naturally, you want to keep your data and money safe, so the security of an anti-detect browser must be one of your primary concerns when choosing one. Octo Browser stores your data on secure European cloud servers. It encrypts it using the AES-256 standard, known for its high level of security. Even if someone gains access to the database, they won’t be able to access user profiles because they're encrypted using multiple keys:

  • A secret key.
  • A unique key from the database.
  • The user's key if profiles are password-protected.

Regular Updates and Support 

If an anti-detect browser isn’t updated often, account bans will likely follow. Octo Browser is built on the same kernel as Google Chrome and is updated regularly, helping its users blend in with Chrome's massive user base. 

When choosing a multi-accounting browser, you need to remember that you'll use it daily for your work. That's why the quality of customer and technical support should be crucial in your decision-making. To check support quality, you can send a few inquiries to support and assess the speed and tone of the response. It's also worth paying attention to browser reviews, ratings, and user feedback.

Functionality and Team Management 

Digital marketing specialists often have to work with a significant number of accounts. They may run hundreds or even thousands of them. To manage this workload, they commonly form teams of 5 to 50 people, each responsible for creating accounts, preparing content, and launching ad campaigns.

It's essential to choose a browser that supports teamwork. Octo Browser, for example, offers features like tags, profile import and export, and customized profile access, making it easier for large teams to work efficiently. You can export profiles into a file and share them with others. When someone imports such a file, they get the same profile with identical fingerprints and content. 

Number of Profiles and Price 

To choose a multi-accounting browser efficiently, you need to know how many profiles you need now and will need in the future. For example, dropshippers only require a few accounts and less complex functionality, so they might look for cheaper options. However, when it comes to digital marketing, there are much better and efficient alternatives to free or cheap tools, as you have to manage hundreds of profiles.

High-quality anti-detect browsers usually come at higher prices due to their better security, stability, support availability, and functionality. Octo Browser perfectly meets all the requirements of a multi-accounting browser for digital marketing, and its subscription prices are the best on the market considering its quality and available features. Moreover, with Octo Browser you don't pay for the features you won’t need. The subscription cost depends only on the number of profiles and team members. 


As you can see, running multiple social media accounts efficiently can significantly boost your digital marketing campaigns, consequently leading to higher incomes. However, today this is impossible without using a high-quality multi-accounting anti-detect browser that protects your accounts from identification and bans. All things considered, we believe Octo Browser to be the best solution currently available on the market, as it offers the best fingerprint spoofing quality, security, stability, and functionality for its price.

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