NetSuite's Pricing for Different Industry Verticals

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NetSuite's Pricing for Different Industry Verticals

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software plays a critical role in the following:

  1. streamlining business operations

  2. managing financial data

  3. enhancing overall productivity. 

NetSuite is one such ERP software that provides a comprehensive solution for managing different business processes. However, it is essential to note that NetSuite pricing varies across various industry verticals due to the unique needs and requirements of each industry. 

Understanding these pricing differences can help businesses make informed decisions about the NetSuite plan that best suits their needs and budget. In this blog post, we will compare NetSuite pricing across four different industry verticals: 

  1. Manufacturing

  2. Retail

  3. service-based businesses

  4. non-profit organizations. 

By examining the pricing structures for each of these industries, we aim to provide readers with a better understanding of how NetSuite pricing varies and how to choose the right plan for their business needs.

  • NetSuite Pricing Overview

NetSuite offers a variety of pricing plans that cater to different business needs and sizes. The basic pricing structure for NetSuite includes a monthly subscription fee that covers access to the software and support services. The subscription fee is determined based on several factors, including the number of users, the number of modules required, and the level of customization needed.

The number of users is a critical factor that affects NetSuite pricing. Typically, the more users a business has, the higher the monthly subscription fee. NetSuite also offers different user types, such as total and limited users, with other pricing structures.

The number of modules required is another factor that influences NetSuite pricing. NetSuite offers various modules, such as financial management, inventory management, order management, and e-commerce, among others. Each module has a different pricing structure, and businesses can add or remove modules as needed.

Finally, the level of customization required also affects NetSuite pricing. However, this level of customization often comes at an additional cost.

In summary, NetSuite pricing is determined based on the number of users, modules required, and level of customization needed. Understanding these factors is essential for businesses to select the right pricing plan that aligns with their needs and budget.

  • Industry Vertical 1: Manufacturing

Manufacturing is a complex industry that involves production processes, supply chain management, and inventory management. NetSuite offers a variety of features and modules that cater specifically to the needs of manufacturers. However, the pricing structure for manufacturers differs from other industry verticals.

One main factor affecting NetSuite pricing for manufacturers is production volume. Manufacturers that produce a high volume of goods typically require more advanced inventory management and production planning features, which can increase the monthly subscription fee.

Another factor that affects NetSuite pricing for manufacturers is supply chain complexity. Manufacturers with complex supply chains, such as those that source materials from multiple suppliers or have international suppliers, may require more advanced supply chain management features, which can also increase the monthly subscription fee.

For a mid-sized manufacturer, NetSuite pricing can range from $10,000 to $50,000 per year, depending on the number of users, modules required, and level of customization needed. For example, a mid-sized manufacturer that produces a high volume of goods and has a complex supply chain may require advanced inventory management, production planning, and supply chain management modules, which can increase the monthly subscription fee.

In summary, NetSuite pricing for manufacturers is influenced by production volume, supply chain complexity, and the specific modules required to manage their unique business needs. Therefore, businesses in the manufacturing industry should carefully consider these factors when selecting a NetSuite pricing plan that aligns with their needs and budget.

  • Industry Vertical 2: Retail

Overview of the retail industry:

The retail industry is a broad category that includes all types of businesses involved in the sale of goods or services to end consumers. This includes brick-and-mortar stores, online retailers, and everything in between. In addition, retailers can be categorized into various sub-sectors, such as department stores, specialty stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, and more. The retail industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the rise of e-commerce and omnichannel retailing.

How NetSuite Pricing Differs for Retailers:

NetSuite offers pricing packages specifically designed for retailers. Retail pricing is based on a combination of factors such as the number of locations, the number of users, and e-commerce capabilities. NetSuite pricing for retailers also includes access to industry-specific features such as inventory management, order management, and point of sale (POS) capabilities.

Factors That Affect Pricing for Retailers:

A small retailer with a single location and a limited e-commerce presence would pay less than a large retailer with multiple locations and a robust e-commerce platform. Other factors that can affect pricing include the number of users who need access to the system and the level of customization required.

Sample Pricing Scenario for A Mid-Sized Retailer:

For a mid-sized retailer with multiple locations and a moderate e-commerce presence, the pricing for NetSuite would typically start at around $10,000 per year. This would include access to core features such as financial management, inventory management, and order management, as well as industry-specific capabilities such as POS and e-commerce. The pricing would also include support for up to 10 users.

As the retailer's needs grow, additional features and capabilities can be added to the system, increasing the pricing. For example, if the retailer wanted to add advanced forecasting and planning capabilities, the pricing could grow to $15,000 per year. Similarly, if the retailer wanted to expand their e-commerce capabilities, such as adding a mobile app or integrating with social media, the pricing could increase to $20,000 per year or more.

  • Industry Vertical 3: Service-based Businesses

Overview Of Service-Based Businesses:

Service-based businesses provide intangible services to their clients, such as consulting, legal, accounting, or other professional services. These businesses do not sell physical products but offer their clients expertise, skills, and knowledge. Service-based businesses typically bill their clients based on time or project-based fees.

How NetSuite Pricing Differs for Service-Based Businesses:

NetSuite offers pricing packages specifically designed for service-based businesses. The pricing for service-based companies is based on the number of users, the types of services provided, and the billing structure. NetSuite pricing for service-based businesses also includes access to industry-specific features such as project management, time and expense tracking, and resource management.

Factors That Affect Pricing for Service-Based Businesses:

The pricing for NetSuite varies depending on the size and complexity of the service-based business's operations. For example, a small consulting firm with a few employees and a simple billing structure would pay less than a large accounting firm with multiple offices and complex billing structures. Other factors that can affect pricing include the number of users who need access to the system and the level of customization required.

The types of services offered can also impact pricing. For example, service-based businesses that require project management and time-tracking capabilities would pay more than those that do not need these features. Similarly, service-based businesses that require extensive reporting and analysis capabilities would typically pay more for NetSuite's advanced reporting and analytics features.

Sample Pricing Scenario for A Mid-Sized Service-Based Business:

For a mid-sized service-based business with a moderate number of employees and various services offered, the pricing for NetSuite would typically start at around $15,000 per year. This would include access to core features such as financial management, project management, time and expense tracking, and resource management. The pricing would also include support for up to 10 users.

As the service-based business's needs grow, additional features and capabilities can be added to the system, increasing the pricing. For example, if the firm wanted to add advanced reporting and analytics capabilities, the pricing could grow to $20,000 annually. Similarly, if the business had a complex billing structure or required integration with other systems, such as a CRM system or a third-party billing system, the pricing could increase to $25,000 per year or more.

Overview Of Non-Profit Organizations:

Non-profit organizations are entities that do not have a profit motive and exist to serve a specific social or charitable cause. These organizations operate differently than for-profit businesses and rely heavily on donations, grants, and government funding to sustain their operations. As a result, non-profit organizations often have complex reporting requirements and must adhere to strict accounting standards.

How NetSuite Pricing Differs for Non-Profit Organizations:

NetSuite offers pricing packages specifically designed for non-profit organizations. The pricing for non-profit organizations is based on factors such as the organization's revenue, the number of users, and donor management needs. NetSuite pricing for non-profit organizations also includes access to industry-specific features such as fund accounting, grant management, and donor management.

Factors that affect pricing for non-profit organizations:

The pricing for NetSuite varies depending on the size and complexity of the non-profit organization's operations. For example, a small non-profit organization with a limited budget and a simple accounting structure would pay less than a large non-profit organization with multiple programs and complex accounting requirements. Other factors that can affect pricing include the number of users who need access to the system and the level of customization required.

The revenue of the non-profit organization can also impact pricing. For example, non-profit organizations with larger budgets and more complex financial structures may require more advanced accounting features and reporting capabilities, which can increase the pricing. Similarly, non-profit organizations with a greater need for donor management capabilities, such as tracking donations and managing donor relationships, may require additional features to increase the pricing.

Sample Pricing Scenario for A Mid-Sized Non-Profit Organization:

For a mid-sized non-profit organization with a moderate budget and a variety of programs, the pricing for NetSuite would typically start at around $12,000 per year. This would include access to core features such as financial management, fund accounting, grant management, and donor management. The pricing would also include support for up to 10 users.

As the non-profit organization's needs grow, additional features and capabilities can be added to the system, increasing the pricing. For example, if the organization wanted to add advanced reporting and analytics capabilities or integrate with a CRM system, the pricing could grow to $15,000 annually. Similarly, if the organization had more complex donor management needs or required integration with other systems, such as a third-party fundraising platform, the pricing could increase to $20,000 per year or more.


NetSuite is a cloud-based ERP (enterprise resource planning) software that offers various modules, including CRM (customer relationship management). The pricing for NetSuite varies depending on the specific modules and the number of users needed, with additional fees for implementation and customization.

For businesses considering NetSuite, it can be beneficial to work with an ERP consultant who can help assess the company's needs and determine which NetSuite modules and pricing plans are best suited for their organization. ERP consultants can also help with implementation and customization to ensure the software is tailored to the business's specific requirements.

NetSuite CRM is a module within NetSuite that helps businesses manage customer interactions and streamline sales processes. While NetSuite pricing can be a significant investment for some businesses, the CRM module can provide valuable insights and efficiencies that ultimately save the company time and money.

In summary, NetSuite pricing can vary based on modules and user count, and businesses may benefit from working with an ERP consultant to determine the best pricing plan for their needs. In addition, NetSuite CRM is a valuable module within NetSuite that can help streamline sales processes and improve customer relationships. 

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