8 Ways Payroll Software Improves Your Productivity

Divyesh Sureja
Read Time: 4 Minutes
8 Ways Payroll Software Improves Your Productivity

This time we are here with a post related to the payroll software. The payroll software not only manages the payments of the employees but also integrates and manages the attendance, leaves, biometric records, and much more of the employees and the business unit. This helps to work efficiently along with proper management. 

We bring you 8 ways how payroll software improves the productivity of your business unit. There are many benefits of using the payroll software but these are 8 major ways that can surely increase overall productivity. 

Let us Move Forward to Understand All the 8 Different Ways. 

  • Controlling Working Hours and Wages Paid 

If one calculates the payroll manually by tracking the employee hours, it is a time-consuming part where it takes a lot of time recording every detail. The payroll software includes the features such as time-tracking or add-on where one can keep a track of employees' work.

At the end of the month, the payroll software calculates the working hours automatically, saving the staff’s plenty of time and reducing the likelihood of calculation errors and having perfect work. Apart from this, it also determines at a glance if the staff is coming late, clocking out early, or taking many days. The best payroll software out in the market guarantees accuracy and also reduces the chances of an expensive fine or IRS audit. 

  • Automated and Streamlined Processes

The payroll software offers built-in automated processes such as direct deposit, set and forget approvals, minimized duplications, and much more which help to reduce the time spent on the manual processes at the end of every pay period. It means the employees can focus on more critical operations of HR administration and can also get their payments delivered faster.

If the payroll software is successfully integrated with the current accounting software, one can also push the hours and pay rates directly from the timesheets to the payroll software and pull back the financial updates to the accounting software.

  • Accurate Tracking 

Most modern payroll software providers offer time and attendance tracking features with the added other modules. These tools help the employees and managers to check every detail at their fingertips and at the end of the pay cycle use the data efficiently to calculate the payments, bonuses, and other pays.

The software can accurately track the details from the time cards/sheets or other integrated software and help to manage every important aspect of employees related to the payments. The software provides more accuracy than the manual entries in excel or manual paper sheets. 

  • Saved Time and Expenses 

According to the surveys and reports, the research shows that 33% of the small businesses waste around 5 to 6 hours every month to process the payrolls. This is the result of manual processes and poor knowledge. Once you invest in a quality payroll solution, a lot of valuable time can be saved with accurate taxes and salary calculations.

This not only helps to save time but also saves a lot of money. 40% of the businesses face penalties due to their incorrect payroll filings. Small businesses also spend other expenses to manage their monthly payroll. To avoid the heavy penalties and spending, one must implement a payroll solution in the business which also eliminates the need for an accountant or in-house payroll staff. 

  • Controlled Data and Information 

Almost every payroll software these days comes up with the employee self-service app which enables people to manage their daily employee profiles on the go. The employees can view, delete as well as update their data in the payroll software using such tools.

The employee gets the opportunity to view and download their pay stubs, fringe benefits deductions, tax reports, and so on. Some software even allows the employees to adjust their accounts while uploading the required documents. 

  • Automatic Tax Calculation and Payment 

The companies tend to pay hefty penalties due to failure of employees’ payment or filling the taxes on time. There is a huge amount as a penalty which must always be avoided. One of the biggest mistakes seen in businesses is misclassifying the workers.

The studies and research show that around 10 to 20% of small businesses tend to misclassify the workers as independent contractors. Hence it is suggested to shift to the compliance payroll software for independent contractors that can accurately classify and pay the employees as well as pay taxes on time.

  • Managing Human Resources 

The payroll software providers tend to offer unified HR Software along with payroll solutions and employee benefits as an add-on. These integrated solutions add great value to your HR team as they centrally manage the entire workforce from a single place.

The unified HR software can streamline all the workflow of the entire business by connecting the HR and payroll processes under a centralized platform with a single created database. The database stores as well as reveal all the required data in real-time and with the latest updates. One can use the HR modules present in the software for employee onboarding, recruitment, benefits, administration, and much more. 

  • Different Payment Options 

Modern employees expect a larger workspace experience including on-demand, online services, self-services, learning, hiring, or getting paid, and everything is included. The employees always look beyond the fixed pay cycles and the same printed cheques.

The on-demand pay facility with options including direct deposits, cheques, pay cards, and much more are the emerging trend. Hence being a business unit in the modern industry, make sure you don’t fall behind by implementing the next generation software in the business to work efficiently. The mobile-optimized solutions can also help you to retain the top talent and increase employee engagement in every activity while at work. 


These were 8 ways how the payroll software improves the productivity of your business unit along with satisfying the employees with a simplified and better payroll process. Along with automated payments and paid taxes, the software also helps the managers to manage the employees’ data such as their leaves, attendance, personal details, and much more through the integrations with other software and parts of the business unit. 

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