5 Best React Native Databases for Building Flawless Mobile Applications

Ankit Dhamsaniya
Read Time: 5 Minutes
5 Best React Native Databases for Building Flawless Mobile Applications

What is React Native?

  1. React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework that was developed by Facebook and the community in the year 2015 for creating Android and IOS mobile apps. It utilizes React, Facebook JavaScript Library for building cross-platform applications, which means that the code is written once and reused to create different applications that run smoothly on operating systems including Linux, Windows, and macOS. React Native Platform-specific UI components are supported by the React Native app. React Native code is compiled into native code, allowing all operating systems to deliver a more native look and feel across all platforms.
  2. React Native, on the other hand, lacks its UI toolkit. The majority of native modules must be accessed using third-party libraries. Furthermore, the user interface of React Native apps may differ between platforms. Why? The reason for this is that different platforms have different UI elements. When working with React Native, even a basic UI modification necessitates testing across many platforms. React Native apps have a more dynamic, high-performing, and responsive UI while also supporting native platform features. If you like a more "classic" app with native features and limited styling and animation extensibility, this framework is ideal. Bartosz Wróbel, CEO of Gorrion.io, adds, "At Gorrion, we've harnessed the power of React Native to build versatile and robust mobile applications. Its ability to compile into native code allows us to deliver a seamless and native-like user experience across multiple platforms, ensuring high performance and responsiveness. Despite its need for third-party libraries for UI components, React Native provides a solid foundation for developing feature-rich and efficient mobile applications

Examples of apps that have been built using react native apps

Many businesses have utilized React Native for building their mobile apps including.

  • Facebook ads manager
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Bloomberg
  • Airbnb
  • UberEats
  • Walmart
  • Skype
  • Wix
  • Salesforce

What are the top 5 databases for creating React Native mobile apps?

In this picture, tried to elaborate about the Java script and react native databases.

  1. Mobile applications are incomplete without a database because it’s the medium for storing and collecting a large amount of significant data. Therefore, developers must focus on building a strong database connection with the mobile app that will ultimately increase the speed, performance, and efficiency of the mobile app. Following are the top five databases that are used to create react native mobile apps.


  1. If you’re planning to develop a scalable react native tools mobile app with advanced functionalities that can be used on different platforms, then MongoDB is the best option. It’s a NoSQL server-side database designed for handling complex applications. MongoDB stores object in BSON inspired by JavaScript object notation JSON with robust schemes by utilizing key-value and relational databases. All kinds of data structures can be easily modeled using these high-performance schemes. The server return data in JSON format that can be parsed and used on any frontend application including Android, iOS, or web application.
  2. MongoDB enables developers to have objects in a single collection with a wide range of fields. Database developers can create various datasets with real-time applications by using distributed database model on which MongoDB is built. Moreover, developers can share a huge collection of data across clusters through the MongoDB database. Here are the five advantages of choosing MongoDB for creating Reactive Native apps.
  • Flexible document schemas
  • Code-native data access
  • Change-friendly design
  • Powerful querying and analytics
  • Simple and easy horizontal scaling


  1. Realm is a local database that is used to create offline and real-time native mobile applications. Realm is flexible to handle massive and complex data. It’s an object-oriented database as it’s built on top of SQLite with its own engine. Developers choose the Realm database because of its high performance and ability to create cross-platform mobile applications. Even it also supports tablets and wearables applications.
  2. Realm uses a wide range of encryption methods for separate platforms that are well-known for maintaining a high level of security. Developers can efficiently and simply open & edit local and synced systems. Moreover, realm allows developers to administrate Realm object server instances. The feature of the realm is that it allows developers to view significant tasks through the Realm database like browsing data, viewing logos, etc. Now let’s explore the advantages of using a Realm Database.
  • This database and increases the scalability of your cross-platform mobile application.
  • Developers may easily design an offline-first architecture with Realm database for react native using the redux offline capability.
  • Its synchronization services run in the background, allowing it to monitor and record service requests and user interactions on a local level.
  • Provides a high-quality user experience.
  • Much more convenient and easy to use.


  1. Firebase is most commonly used for data synchronization and offline data modification in the react-native application. It is used and well-known for writing neatly-curated APIs. Firebase is a NoSQL database which means it supports real-time databases for react native applications. Developers can create a cross-platform API with minimum requirements for setup. Developers can set up a customized server for secured communication in no less time by using firebase. Firebase can fully cater to the MVC requirements for mobile applications.
  2. Firebase database can be easily accessed as a real-time database from a mobile device, which means that it doesn’t require a separate server to access data as it can be directly accessed through the app. In addition, banking and financial organizations utilize firebase for creating databases as it is highly compatible with SOX regulations. The following are the top advantages of this react native database.
  • Database for React Native has a free SSL and CDN layer available via Firebase. As a result, hosting with cloud storage is easy using Firebase.
  • Firebase makes data transfer easy and consumers do not have to be concerned about data loss at any point.
  • It has a free SSL and CDN layer


  1. Are you looking for a database that provides local storage for mobile apps? If yes, then SQLite is your go-to database. SQLite is a SQL database that is commonly used for every type of project database design. In react native applications, it stores and manages data locally. SQLite offers an easy and lightweight based on a relational database. It can be effortlessly integrated into your react native application because of its ease of use and accessibility. SQLite follows SQL standards, it is Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (ACID) complaint. React-native-SQLite-storage is a plugin that behaves like a native plugin for both Android and iOS platforms. The data in SQLite is written and read in an encrypted format. Following are the top-leading advantages of SQLite.
  • It has extensions like SEE, SQLiteCrypt, SQLCipher, etc. which are used for data encryption and security.
  • It’s a cost-effective database that can be updated by utilizing simple SQL queries.
  • The lost data can be easily recovered in the SQLite database
  • It’s compatible with every leading programming language.


  1. PouchDB is a NoSQL open-source JavaScript database that is built using CouchDB protocols. It synchronizes data with CouchDB and compatible servers when it’s online and stores data locally when it's offline, keeping the user's data in sync no matter where they log in the next time. The important data in PouchDB is stored in the JSON format, which allows developers to easily perform CRUD operations i.e. create, read, update, and delete with JavaScript API. PouchDB is a server-side database that is highly compatible with MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and many more databases. The advantages of PouchDB are as follow:
  • The size of data is just 46KB when it's gzipped which makes it the most lightweight database.
  • It's best for security purposes as it has an in-built authentication for React Native. It uses a standard key deviation function algorithm that stores passwords in hash form.
  • The data encryption in PouchDB is possible using AE256 as it uses secure socket layers (SSL).

Final words

React native databases play a vital role in building flawless Offshore React.js Develpoment because it helps in creating a high-performance development environment. The data is much more secure and reliable as it uses data encryption and security standards. The above-described databases are easily integrated into React Native applications that result in optimal speed, efficiency, and performance of the mobile application. Reactive Native is one of the most dynamic app development frameworks for building top-notch mobile applications but choosing an inappropriate database can cause serious damage. Therefore, choosing the right Database Consulting Companies is crucial to building a flawless mobile app development company.

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