Vetter Software

By Vetter Software

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Vetter Software has been designed to reduce hassles in a vet’s life and contains everything required for managing the office. It takes care of everything related to doctor appointments, reminders, inventory and even payments. It is thus, a groundbreaking innovation that has taken the whole of veterinary practice online with cloud technology to back it up. Vetter Software further provides its clients(doctors) with a single platform to keep a track of anything and everything associated with their patient’s health and clinical operations. Inbuilt, simple scheduling feature enables easy and convenient booking of appointments. It does not just provide patient parties with the liberty to book from anywhere but also to streamline check-ins and check-outs, all in real-time. A boarding calendar tracks all boarding reservations that are further automated and intimated via SMS, emails and even through phone calls. Further, hospital patients can be managed in real-time that ultimately is beneficial for removing mistakes and improving communications, significantly.

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Page Last Updated On September 22, 2024

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